No More Tiers

How did we make it to December? This year has flown by despite the elephant in the room! 

 We are out of the second Lockdown in England today and have moved to a new tiered system - a set of restrictions about what we can and cannot do in response to the fight against Covid. We are also off the back of a full moon eclipse, so there big changes taking place.

I can't help but see a connection between the Covid tiers and the restrictions we place, sometimes unconsciously, on ourselves and our growth. It came to me that many of us, myself included, have placed our own version of a tier system on our lives, and done so for way longer than the UK government is doing in response to the current pandemic. 

How many of you have put boundaries up, placed obstacles or limitations in your way, or lived smaller than your dreams? I know I have. 

Mondays' full moon served as a powerful catalyst for growth. It was about gathering the facts and coming to terms with the truth. Your truth. Perhaps this is why I have made a connection between the UK tier system and the limitations I have been placing on myself. 

With every full moon there is an opportunity to work with the energy it brings. Monday was also the the first of two eclipses, the second will be a new moon total solar eclipse in Sagittarius on 14th December. The moon is symbolic of our emotions and inner experiences, and eclipses make things more powerful. Have you been feeling emotional? Can you feel something rising up inside you? 

This full moon energy was a reminder that the truth shall set us free. We all have our own truth - of who we are and what we are here to do. When we run from our truth, or place our dreams and aspirations in a tiered system, we prevent ourselves from reaching our potential and connecting with the wildest most inspiring vision of who we are and what we can become.

I am taking some time for myself this month to allow the wildest most inspiring vision for my life to rise up and make herself known to me once more. I encourage you to honour what is rising within you, to listen to the truth that is ready to be set free. 

With much love xx
