Sense of Soul Podcast with Mande and Shanna

I was a guest on Sense of Soul podcast with Mande and Shanna this week. The purpose of this inspiring podcast is to universally connect with like minded souls who are spiritually awakening to their inner quest of discovering ones path and purpose.

Mande and Shanna share their raw experiences of healing through self love, self awareness and accepting the good, bad and ugly on their journey finding the light within.

In this episode we talk about tools, tips and techniques to help you overcome your challenges and activate your gifts, talents and goals to become SuccesSoul. I also share how you can communicate universally activating energy, as a way to connect deeper into your soul, quieting your mind to allow the truth of who you are to surface.

Listen here: ‎Sense of Soul Podcast with Mande and Shanna and don’t forget to support Mande and Shanna’s podcast by leaving a review, sharing (cos it’s caring) and if you have any comments or questions let me know. xx

Vicky Paul